3 March 2015
It's amusing to see so much unfounded rhetoric across the media and Blogs. Even more so the wild speculations of some comments. Currency projections, wealth disbeliefs, and political negativity. At best, most are naive. Quietly, out of Public view, so much is unfolding and forces of good ARE at work for all of you.
Real world moves are being achieved by highly placed Political accords and Private meetings between Empowered parties. The Publicly invisible Diplomatic and economic private meetings, so dependent upon the standards of culture which founded the truly great Empire epicentres, with the skill, and often speed of intellect, of those out of Public view on the front line. Empires thrive, survive, or fail because of them. People make it happen, or not.
So much is propounded by the Blogmeisters. Daily claims of Chinese Elders imminent moves. Yet, in London, quietly away from Public view, potentially the most important steps of all were not only progressing with articulate skill, but Elder's extended stays a further week to encompass longer term aspirations in a whole new spirit of ethical Trust and mutual goodwill achieved. Be in no doubt, had the wealth of the Elders been utilized ethically as intended by US Presidents and the Cabal, our world would have been a wealthier, more stable and peaceful civilization. Co-existence is a state of mind. Elders in London were enthused at the charisma, dynamism and truly humble personal manner and depth of understandings of those so highly placed. It also gave them hope and understanding that remaining vast Elders funds, if used correctly this time with such Enlightened men of standing as they met, offers that candle of light in the dark night all seek. A Beacon of hope. We know the duties of office needed.
Although telling that to a disenfranchised American Public today, whose very survival as economic units is precarious, is a step beyond current mental reach. First the need to change their mind set.
For a nation who had it all, to now, where has it all gone?
The future for Americans, as it stands, left to the Cabal or Zionists, is now just that- Precarious. Truly. Yet the vacuous and mendacious Mongrels from the Political spectrum to the Military and Wall Street roll on taking from all at will.
Petraeus cops a Plea for his sordid affair and dereliction of duty. Another over hyped, Pencil Pushing Wonder Brat who had presumptions of power. Now he wiggles in ignominy. A sordid little man consigned to history as a train wreck of vanity. How sadly the presumptuous mighty fall. What a miserable Wimp he turned out to be. How dumb is a Spymaster too stupid to swerve a Honey Trap?
Well, at least he was born with the ears for the Dumbo role! John Wayne we miss you. Or his type.
The Bush / Clinton Crime Cabal goes on, with no standards of decency or morality. The Cabal beats its drum, as the American economy just ever more retreats. A hundred million, good, distressed and confused economically burdened Americans wait in blind hope of new Leadership, as yet another election will be rigged. Leadership? But, from where? Have you assessed those Skip Rats in Washington? The Sleaze machine capital of the world. Pigs at the trough. Chaos rules. As Mad Benny Nutter Yahoo propounds his Kazakh States determination to invoke Nuclear hell on his neighbours, and with the support of his enriched Stateside Zionist Backers, seeks to Mug the US Political apparatus ever more. The Jewish lobby was hard at work. They flatter to deceive. When will those bribed to support Israel be removed from Office?
Who cares who we Shackle if it makes us a Shekel they whine?
Yet in London the real battles are being won. Hearts and Minds. Culture thrives. Concepts of good citizenship are expanded and agreements reached. Wealth is power. Wealth empowers. But, as the Empire knows, real Wealth is the hands across the oceans. Meetings of minds. Relationships build Empires. Yet between the sites of OWoN and WHA are so many green shoots of hope. New life. The basic goodness of communities ever there. Hope is not lost. Both sites are enriched by their quality of supporters. Each a credit to their nations. Look at ever growing worldwide support. Nations are co-enjoining. Meetings of minds.
In the greatest hall of power, serious dialogue is progressing. Economic debate covering this century is playing out. As regards the true wealth of the real Elders, respectfully, nations have no idea. Taiwan houses the majority of the vast ancestral wealth of the old Chinese Dynasties. When the key families moved to escape oncoming Communism, their many centuries of wealth went with them. Gold, Cash, Bonds, Artifacts etc. Vast treasure troves remain to this day, hidden from Public or State view. Controlled in total by the key 40 Elder families.
The main power beneficiaries are fully aware of the encroaching risks of Chinese expansion across Asia and Eurasia. Is it coincidence that in London, in the most private meetings of all, consummate diplomacy was hard at work with intense negotiations, achieving clearly what has made London the most influential Financial base in the world, and the true corporate infrastructure base of capitalism. As America ever founders, London ever grows. The City is awash with touring foreign schoolchildren, mainly now Chinese, all the key building blocks of the future. Shaping opinions, shaping the future economies, appreciating each others cultures.
OWoN is ever at the forefront, winning hearts and minds. Evermore you are read across the planet. Your points are heard and comments read. The Elders reverberated from this new concept. One World of All Nations? Asking, why was this not envisaged 60 year ago when we wished to help nations co-exist? Yet, when all hope was foundering, quietly, in the greatest Hall of Power on Earth, confidence grew as minds attuned and new deep relationships were forged.
There IS hope and a new found concept of true Global awareness is on its way back now - back to Asia. Awareness of a better way. Behind it ever greater wealth and power will transfer to London. As will the emigration of the great families. As their vast wealth moves, so will they.
You all have a voice and a point. Now, evermore a Global one. OWoN is a growing Global force of each and all of you. It is YOU. The voice of nations, of values and truth. To help evolve humanities consciousness. No other such media reaches where you go. From Transhumanism, to pseudo religious ideologies, and Political chicanery. OWoN gives no mercy, and pushes the boundaries of truth and hope. It is the voice of all of you, striving for a better world, a consensus of minds and standards of decency. Nation rebuilding to leave our children a future worth having. Helping each Elder understand the very concept of our Book of Life, forged ideologies which may change nations. Reason is founded on Trust. Societies need a base of values.
So many of you make ever enlightening contributions. For all of us, you are our candles in the wind of change. Twelve men helped change a world. What can twelve thousand of you do? Post the GCR and RVs we will see. Behind it all, in the great hall of power, real progress is building. Elders met English key Elders, and deals are forged. Empires are evolving but now based on Global progression, and removing those sleazy Runts between the Banking, Political and Cabal infrastructures who are the root cause of rot today. We tell it, as it is. New relationships take time to evolve, but it's happening, and progressive understanding is in play with a Global vision. There are no nations, just one people who need to learn to co-exist, establish communal values and share our planet in harmony and culture for all.
It starts with building and valuing Trust. It starts with believing in and striving together for better. Expanding consciousness. Evolving as a Soul Nation for all.
If one group can do that, why not all? Our whole world is now changing so rapidly. Politicians are so dreadfully out of touch with the emerging Global reality. Unfortunately, in the MSM rigged media circus of America, so are the people. How do we help our Brother men bar with truth? The Information highway.
Exported back now to China is a whole new word of expression for the Cabal and US Political deviants. Ah - Souls! They loved it.
From such camaraderie new Empires are built. Laughter is priceless. As is the love of our children, so, lets give them a world fit to grow in safety. You are all the candles in this dark world of confusion created by such Political mediocrities. Our shining stars, and YOU are the future. Already you are conscious and evolving. As will all you embrace.
In just 3 weeks we have built a whole new concept of Nation's needs.
Yes - We - Did!
ReplyDeleteThis is the new #1, please place general comments here
What a great hope filled article. Thank you John. [ am assuming you wrote this]. i understand your responses better now. Thank you.
ReplyDeletePlease do not name, attempt to name or discuss anyone in specific in the provided images.
What a fantastic read to start the weekend. Thank You Canauzzie.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to be apart of such glorious change for all humanity. We truely have something to look forward to now! Aside from the GCR & RV, I am so thankful to be contributing for the better. The path of life is becoming clearer to me. Thank you John & Canauzzie for all you have done & continue to do for ALL.
DeleteWelcome on site. So much is playing out now as you will see.
But here, you are truly direct.
极 好 的
DeleteYes, wonderful article. My heart swelled with love as I read it. We are the candles in the wind ready to spread hope and help across this globe. Thanks for your heartfelt efforts OWoN.
ReplyDeleteDare we believe this to be true? It has become near impossible. Can we really hope for change? Or is this just a dream, like so many before, to be shattered once again. Year after year, day after day a struggle to convince a totally dumbed down populace that change is on the way, is coming and nobody believes it, all cry foul. How can one educate a nation when the color of ones skin is against you? When your skin color makes you the enemy, to be fought and destroyed by any means, even if only with words? It's enough! It has to stop.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are some, a few, who beg me not to stop, but somewhere there is an end to ones strength. Something positive has to happen soon, very very soon.
Hanlo, it will be a glad day when we see beyond skin color or skin that is "disfigured" by disease, accident or one's own hand. We need to learn to accept others as they are and also learn to accept differences as being ok. We can no longer use excuses of differences to keep us apart from our neighbors. It's learning that differences make us better together.
DeleteI do know of what you speak. My own skin grows darker with just a little sun, but my very grey eyes draw the most attention. In this place where there are still ancient wrongs played out by generations unwilling to see a different way, one must be careful. Knowledge can be your friend in such places. Plant seeds of truth if that is all you can do. When the time is right, they will awaken at their own pace. It's not something you can push.
Thanks P. It's good to get some understanding. We plant in the hope the seeds will grow. We eagerly watch for the sprouting,yet can't push the process. We try our best to protect each little plant that shows its head. If we could just eradicate the vermin that's always lurking to gulp up all that grows! How do we do that? I will however rejoice when others reap the fruit.
DeleteTo give you an example of what I'm talking about P, here's part of a conversation on an ancient map I posted in a group:
DeleteBenedictus Bonafacius Bobejé The genetic sciences by means of the Human Genome Project do not lie: you are bantu, aren't you? You have the "mother" Bantu gene which is found in West Africa, don't you? Your socalled non-white UNAM taught me that. Not the white settlers who are settlers the same way you are a long-standing migrant refugee too. This is backed up by anthropological and archaelogical studies. Then there are other sweet delicacies such as history and the like. Truth is fast catching up with all of us now now. And as you know, truth always leads to justice. Justice brings freedom. This is why its said truth sets free. The ancient maps speak for themselves. Embrace it.
7 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 2
Werner Tjipueja The settlers taught their beaten-up house negros the crap who in turn went on to teach you the same crap without themselves realising the wrongs & aims in it. We the field negros are now busy awakening them up... soon the curriculum at UNAM will be revisited and redeveloped with the real truth - no longer anthropological & archaeological crap they brainwash you with. Hoor jy, Bennie. Afrikaans was maar tog net die Nama se kombuis taal met die Nederlaandse baas.
Yes, I do understand Hanlo. Here there is a higher smaller valley up against the mountains. Back in the early days of the Spanish here in central NM, was a pueblo and a "mission". The pueblo was used to provide labor and other "needs" to the missionaries. Sadly, there is the matter of the NM version of the Inquisition. This is by any means not the only place this happened, but I have seen first hand the results of generations mired in the hate inspired back then here.
DeleteThe area affected is perhaps 100 sq miles, not a region as you have mentioned, but the pockets of intense generational negativity take patience in working with. There are slowly being brought up to to speed by those born in their midst or have come into the area specifically to help release the old hurts. Some of the ones who came into these areas I know personally and they truly love the people there. Love heals.
WOW! This article nearly made me cry it was so inspiring. Thank you so much OWoN. My sincere thanks is also offered to the Elders. Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this turning of the tide.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting article by lady who claims to be daughter of Edward VIII...and she looks just like him!
ReplyDeleteEmily Windsor Cragg: My Claim to the UK Crown & Throne
Thanks. (Now there is 2 pics to place to the name.)
ReplyDeleteThis Taiwan ancient wealth is something Fulford had detailed in his reports. It is amazing to think that families have held such wealth for so many generations. In the USA inherited wealth is all gone in 90% of the families by the end of the third generation!! That is a clear example of the superiority of intellect & philosophy of the old Asian families versus the western "families" who just plunder, loot, murder the opposition with no concern for the future of the following generation(s).Those western bloodlines are ENEMIES OF HUMANITY and all their wealth seized because it was all stolen and not earned and belongs to the people of the world!! Hanging is too good for them!! Look at what they did to the President of Libya in the streets!! Just because he wanted an Arab Gold Backed Dinar. SOMEBODY must PAY for that ATROCITY!! ~darylluke.
Canauzzie good thing I read comments before posting because I almost did what you said not to do.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article! It certainly has answered many questions and puts global dynamics in perspective. I appreciate the provided 'details'....none of which were necessary, but you nevertheless provided them to us. A picture can indeed say more than a thousand words.
ReplyDeleteGood, now you see why exactly the right person is in place and why the Leader wanted the shot he had taken to take home. And why he stayed the extra week.
DeleteMonsanto Loses GMO Permit In Mexico – Judge Sides With The Bees
GAME OVER: GMO science fraud shattered by stunning investigative book worthy of Nobel Prize - Altered Genes, Twisted Truth
DeleteScientific proof that GMO's very hazardous to our health...
Monsanto’s Deep Legacy of Corruption and Cover-Up
DeleteThe History of a CHEMICAL company
ReplyDeleteI was really glad to come here today and read this truly awe inspiring article today. All I have is hope, hope for a future where we reach across breaches and heal...today, I received a call early this morning that my youngest brother died last night. He was a star in my heart; however, I know what I am fighting for and this fight is for those who fought the good fight and came to their end before the evidence of this change became apparent. And still, I fight.
He wanted me to always be happy and he inspired me to attain heights I only imagine...and I continue...
With heartfelt love and compassion my prayers is to bind myself to my calling; service to others, so that I can live up to the standards and hope for our futures. Love is the key!
Thank you John and Canauzzie...
Oh Fedup, how very very sad. May your faith in our goal continue to give you the strength you show here. My heart cries with you and your family.
DeleteMy heart goes to you and family dear.
As you miss him, He is experiencing the most powerful kinetic force of existence, a real meaning of spiritual soul. All human concepts are behind as a New Being emerges from the ashes.
May your heart be comforted and peace reach your soul, knowing he will live forever.
FedUp, sorry for your and your families loss.
DeleteFedUp, so sorry to hear about your brother's passing. Sending blessings to you and your family.
DeleteSo sorry for your loss. It's so difficult for those left behind, but if your brother is anything like you he's well on his way to a wonderful new place. As part of your 'cyber family,' we all feel your heartache.
I am in awe of your condolences and I gain strength in knowing that I am within a family here with faith and direction for the future. I thank each and everyone of you. I named a star out in the universe for him and I know that he has peace. Thank you again...I am comforted.
DeleteSorry for your loss fedup.
Delete((((((((( FEDUP ))))))))) - So sorry this has happened to you! I'm so sorry he will miss the exciting future that is slowly unfolding. I'm sure you will be busy for the next few days - I will send love and healing thoughts to you and your loved ones.
DeleteI don't have your email yet (or I missed it) but that's ok. When the time comes, I bet the Admins here will be shuffling a lot of emails to various folks!!
Hope you are holding together,
BL and Cyndy,
DeleteI am thankful to you for your kind words and thoughts; I do understand that my brother has passed to a better world and this makes me happy...this is the only solice that I have other than you and our family here increasing the light quotent in this construct.
My brother wanted nothing more than for me to be happy, and I will continue in this manner until we meet again. I thank you both and as always, in service to others.
Thank you,
FEDUP ~ my heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your deepest heartfelt pain in this hour yet, how you rejoice in what I percieve to be a life well lived. May your pain turn into joy as you celebrate his life, laugh and cry with your family and friends. I leave you with this ...John 16:20 "Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy." Our strength when we are weak. Best, EWO
DeleteI thank you so much for your heartfelt words of encouragement. I know being in the family of everyone here there is joy even within sorrow as we forge ahead to right the wrongs that so many are not here to witness.
Thank you...
So sorry for your loss Fedup, hugs.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your great loss, you and your family will be in my prayers.
DeleteBreathing in your passion and quest for change has given us a understanding of your heart and family.
DeleteYour brother had a higher calling.....and he is on his way.
Looking skyward, know he smiles at you always.
Biffie, Tammy and J7
DeleteYour words of encouragement gives me the inner knowing that all is well. I thank each of you for understanding, and sending your condolences at a time when my faith is tested but I stand fast to the knowing that our One Creator is perfect.
Many thanks...
Fedup, am glad your brother brought you joy and happiness. That he was star in your heart. You show so much compassion and caring in what you do and am sure he knew also what you were fighting for. Blessing you both.
DeleteThank you for your kind, heartfelt words. I named a star in the universe for him and find that my faith is strengthened by the family that I have here. I thank you again.
Fedup, thanks for sharing your heart with us and may you always remember the joy and happiness your brother brought to you. I know it is a great loss and there will be times, that you will need to hold on to all of those memories as tight as you can. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of such loss.
DeleteThank you so much for your words of encouragement; I do find myself reflecting on all of the life we lived...I thank you for your thoughts and prayers of encouragement as I forge ahead.
Thank you.
Cannauzzie - What a wonderful article and the joy that it brings I cannot even express. The importance of this is mind boggling. Once again Thanks to you and all the WH's that are working so hard for all Nations.
ReplyDeleteI actually thought we had an RV this morning 9am when the EURO lost over 10% in 5 minutes!!
ReplyDeleteEuro and USD nearly on par now. What does that imply?
DeletePerhaps we are one step closer... be ready, plan well but don't forget to live, love and be patient with those who may not be as far along this journey as we are.
ReplyDeleteThe Elders normally meet only a few times a year and the next was planned for April. However, post our London negotiations, a meeting to understand the depth of our discussions and the Capital Trading offers we have made, a new meeting has now been arranged for this Sunday in Asia to enable key parties to travel.
ReplyDeleteHad we been in place 70 years ago, the vile and dreadful Treasury / Fed / Agency deal would.never have happened and the true wishes of the Elders would have been effected, giving you all a far better world.
From the talks, they understood rapidly that we were all on page and totally empathised with their case and Elders wishes. Also that our own ideologies and aspirations offered a new way.
But, what really threw them was the whole concept of One World of All Nations. That and all of us being not only the keepers of our own Souls, but our Book of Life concept. Plus, a very Spiritual Elders Wife sitting attentively, co translating for her husband and looking deeply into the eyes of the UK Team Head. The depth of Spiritual bonding which evolved empowered them, to do more, and to seek to support all we aspire to. They know we are very real.
They know, what we mean is what we say. That this will be no US Fed scam and that if supported, all will grown and evolve for a reason. That we DO UNDERSTAND. That we walk a different path. By choice. That we, as honourable people, gave back Hong Kong, and did not renegue on our Treaty,as the Federal US has reneged on every treaty it ever signed. Ask the Native Americans. Ask each Nation who has loaned money to the Fed or got caught in the US Treasury ./ Fed bait and switch scam who thought they were dealing with the US Fed only to find it was the Zionist Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as big a collective bunch of lying, thieving scumbag Rats as ever walked the face of the earth.
We explained exactly how real Platform Trading works, and how the accrued wealth can truly serve humanity. How, armed with new funds, we can cross trade it via Euros, RMB and others and bypass the hated Fed. A clean system, where the Cabal is kept right out.No more money for Military aggression, economic blackmail or Hegemony. We simply bypass them and starve them out. No Cabal wars. Less Agency Weevils funding turmoil.
They stayed an extra week as it all evolved. Rome was not built in a day, but they gave us an extra week, because what they found, opened up real hope. People make it happen. But the wrong people creates what has been done by the Cabal and Zionists.
Money needs to work for our nations of People. We, in power, need the humility to care for, understand and serve our people. Our Book of Life goes with us.Each day. Bad marks are Skid Marks. Translated it shocked then amused them.
Discussions encompassed all. But deep and personal meetings between real heads. Soul searching. They came to explore, and found. Enough to stay an extra week. Enough to understand. Enough to go home and say, The Lionheart is real. A joke can become a legend,.New times new people. This time we can get it right if the support to action it can be achieved. Or do more need to come again.. We have an open door 2 ways. A great start. We have their trust and they believe. It may need more to come over but its a huge first step for all our kind. A new era can dawn. A Rising Sun for all of us. One World for All Nations. Think out the vast implications. We showed Magna Carta, the basis of all Law today. We showed Kings we beheaded who lost the plot. We showed them Milleniums of history. We showed them Museums packed with Global treasures and history. But, we showed them - Hope. That in our hands, the light for all can become enlightenment, and that can only come from the heart and Soul. Those are the doors we opened for all. The need for new men of Integrity to lead again. Men who feel and know the path ahead. That we are all as one and one of all. Translating that back home will take some selling. But that is the agenda. Hope. Starting again. Taking control.
I believe you achieved much, John. Yet, reading the above it seems we are still at the bottom of the ladder and not at the top yet. The take down of the cabal is a matter of URGENCY now, it cannot and must not take any longer. 2015 is the year it has to happen, March is the month it has to happen, should have happened this past week. If we cannot strangle them now, we never will. PLEASE make them see the urgency of this, John
DeleteThank you so much for taking the time to provide this update John, it is greatly appreciated. And thank you for opening those doors you opened for all.
DeleteMay I be bold enough to add something to your sentence?
"The need for new men (and women) of Integrity to lead again. Men (and women) who feel and know the path ahead."
And may I be bold enough to ask you a question John?
How do you personally feel now within yourself?
Thank you John for unlocking the door necessary for the needed changes...yes, we are One World of Nations and a force to be reckoned with...thank you...
DeleteIncredible post John. I don't have words to express my deep and profound gratitude for what is being accomplished, for the good of all. I hope all this can be set up and implemented in a timely manner, meaning the criminal elements worldwide need to be starved out immediately.
DeleteThank you to everyone moving this forward!
ReplyDeleteThe Global negotiating Head knows. Knows all. Pic says?
Understood, but in London, its tough dogfight territory at the top. Its a Bear Pit daily. If they can take the heat, welcome. But YES, of course.
Feeling? Determined! No one is focused more. We are absolutely on the front line leading. Blogs speculate. We are in the real arena. Living it.
Thank you so much John for taking the time to respond to my comment as you have, it truly is sincerely appreciated. I love your response regarding the ladies inclusion, thank you. You have earned yourself a big hug there lol.
DeleteI sensed a shift in you over the last few days and that is why I asked how you were feeling. Just being my normal inquisitive self. Thank you again John for all of your time, energy, dedication, heart and generous consideration. Enjoy a magnificent day.
Our role is one of privilege to serve all. If not, get the hell out of the arena this is why so much is wrong with Governments. No men of courage, or character or vision. As the Elders wife has said, now we have found the L ?
DeleteThat is a brilliant statement John. You energize and inspire me, thank you so much.
DeleteThank you John for your update and uplifting words, it brings hope to many of us of here at OWoN and WHA. We are ready to fight with you and change the world for everyone- truly make this one world of nations.
DeleteThis seems fitting geagarding the Chinese Elders Wife and the City of London. Synchronicity!
DeleteAs the world is on the verge of break apart, Honorable Men step forward to reach accords to save the planet, rescuing humanity from dark ages. What a beautiful destiny, what a beautiful act of love.
ReplyDeleteThanks UK Team and Chinese Elders for the inspiring moves and courage. We are proud to be part of OWoN and part of coming changes.
Yes, Bof B
DeleteWe NEED it to change, but it does not have to break up. We do need to choke the Cabal and erase the Zionist Bankers. We need to get back to Community Banking,Financing and servicing. To feed the need of our people NOT the Greed of so called Elites. They are NOT elite and all too often their children are papered, spoiled snivelling wimps unfit to lead. Brat packs. My kids travelled in wooden Bokaro canoes in the Okavango, ( Africa folks) did Game Park runs with me in the Bush, walked the plains of Africa, walked the mountain trails, slept rough, hunted food and lived to be at one with all. With a slap if needed. Life is tough. So is responsibility. Believe me, I shred many so called Elites. How Elite am I shaking the hand of Homeless and Drunks bringing hope to all. All ARE our people. All ARE equal as one. Its just that sometimes some need a boot up the arse to wake up and man up. Lol. But to feel Superior? What a narcissist Cretin. Hard slap down territory. Look at the dreadful Bushy progeny. What a F up family mess.
THEY cant even raise a family. How can they lead a nation?
Work together as one family of man. That is where it needs to go. Less the Zionists. Lion food for the Zoo.
Be assured, there are more clueless and lost among the so called elites than anywhere. With their Plastic enhanced posing wives, ( Bad Jobs too often and those Trout Pout lips OMG Lol) and whimpering kids, believe most of you are doing a better job with yours.
Be careful what you wish for. Keep it real. Value your values, that is real. Life is here- today- live it. Be afraid of nothing nor false Gods or Emperors. Just be yourself- Because to quote Oscar Wilde - Everyone else has been taken.
John, thanks to reply and share more of your family travels.
DeleteYes you are an Elite and one of a kind. Compassion is rendering you a lot of friends worldwide, proud eyes and hundreds of pages in your book of life. But what it stands out is it comes from the heart and not forced hand. Never heard, read or met an Elite with such Values friend. It's not difficult to understand why Chinese Elders were so heartily moved and excited for the future, as we are right now.
Thanks Friend for what you are.
Let's choke the Cabal and starve to death the Zionist beasts.
I do believe John, that you are exhibiting a bit of Zen about the events of recent past and, the upcoming future!
DeleteTammy and all
ReplyDeleteAll Blogs procrastinate and guess. With OWON, as we never normally allow pics to be taken in the Lords, we gave you all, in trust, a break to help you understand. No Blogs, you are hands on IN the Bearpit by the hour direct. With the men re shaping history and Yours. Feeling and seeing our vision and passion. Language excluded, LOl.
We need all of you to help reshape this mess. So do the Elders. Always they met Political dross and Political Grifters.
This time, they soon identified the UK real power parties and locked on. Real Power is out of Public view. Hidden.
This was not just a meeting of nations, but minds. Always that is why it failed. Men were not up to it. They needed to "Feel their hearts". Too many were shallow. Then, out of the blue, it all changed. A Group Leader who faced them down head on, cracked one liners and got them laughing. used Military language when needed, and clearly, was beholden to no one. Who had a depth of "Enlightenment" they have sought for generations. Day, after day, night after night they saw real power at work. Who got them into power breakfast meetings at 08-00 hrs and was there. And who they saw, had been emailing at 03--00 hrs to get agendas re planned and backed up ready. Who walked them for 5 miles on a culture tour and wore them out. For them it was all different. It all had synergy. It was real. Energy.
You are now seeing History evolve, Or not. But, if we gain approval, all need to become as one. We all share this planet. We all need to share the dream of OWON for all. People- Make it happen. You people. Enlightened. We KNOW so much more. We do - care. Believe in more. Believe in yourself. You can ALL be so much more.
DeleteIt is 430 AM and after reading your recent posts I am having a personal realization; the proverbial AH HA moment. It caught me by surprise. I am realizing I can truly trust what is happening. This means I was not trusting before. This lack of trust has coloured all my thinking and posting.
To be connected to, via the Internet, and aware of these historical times with the actual current movers and shakers of human and Spiritual history is an honour and privilege. I can see now the Great Awakening and Remembering of who and what we really ARE is in good hands. I am humbled by it all. It means to me, on a personal level, that my life long quest as a simple foot soldier in the Army of Light has been meaningful and worthwhile. I am grateful and thankful for what you and all the White Hats and of course the Elders also, are doing and accomplishing. Thank you Canauzzi also.
Canauzie did a great job to help with the setting and balancing the graphics fast.
DeleteYes he did, but then Canauzzie does have the skills and awesome belief in what he does. He truly believes in what he does, something one doesn't always find, but here, is that rare sip of purest water. It's greatly appreciated.
DeleteSome just need a little pistol-whipping! lol Get "em talking and all fall like dominoes!
We are witnessing AND participating in history being made.
Transhumanism malarky aside.... lol
KEEP that for the elites, as that experiment fails. I said it. ~darylluke.
cool. 811
DeleteTruly we all understand you, your team, the elders are working as quickly as you're able to effect tremendous changes on our planet for all humanity, animals, critters. Many of us seem impatient as we see desperation all around us increasing exponentially daily. I see friends succumbing to cancer or more likely succumbing to the archaic treatment for cancer. I'm impatient for cancer to go away when the cabal is made to stop spraying us like roaches from airplanes, poisoning us with tainted, GMO foods and 'vaccinating' us with toxic metals delivering latent viruses. If all the toxic foods were removed from grocery stores, there wouldn't be much left.
How do we in America rid ourselves of the cabal when voting doesn't matter?
DeleteWonderful article and pics that bring me closer visually to the work you have dedicated yourself to, both grueling and gratifying that it is. Your comments are reassuring that this is not Fantasyland but Realityland with The Elders and key players involved in this monumental effort, and it's full steam ahead.
This site is phenomenal (thank you Canauzzie) and such an education from the variety of articles to the comments from the OWoN "fan club".
I can't express enough how much I appreciate your work, John, and all involved with you. Your impact is truly incredible. Highly deserving of the extra "L" today. Lol.
Hello, John I wanted to speak on the above quote you made.
Delete"Dongs, who knows? Do we wait for the GCR or go now?"
That's really strange, because I remember mentioning this months ago about letting us Dong investors cash out early before the GCR. As there will be less chaos with that option, as there is no where near the amount of people who have Dong as people who have Dinar. Well I say if you are able to let the Dong right now, then go for it.
DeleteEven the Dongs need a consensus of nations. There are chain consequences for all. Its not about a mad scramble for those in need but ensuring the Vietnamese are still able to feed.
Cal L girl. First thing I checked was the extra L. Guys in need - of humour.
True history unfolding before our eyes...
ReplyDeleteJohn & Canauzzie,
ReplyDeleteBravo... for your tenacity to hold the course. You both have sacrificed much and it has not gone unnoticed. I applaud all your efforts. It does my heart good to know your ideas and faithful attention to detail did not go unnoticed by the Elders. It would appear that your site played a huge role in providing the Elders hope and belief in a system that could thrive. It was the "saving grace" of the talks. IMO.
Thank you for the time and efforts. Working through the false starts, the "geno" and "abby" days... they were painful moments, but you persevered and it has paid off... you have this beautiful site that continues to draw people far and wide.
~Get Real
And we get to replace the sick bowls now Lol
DeleteGet Real
DeleteNever forget your own huge input.
New York City Might Be Able to Mass Produce Its Own Food With Aquaponics
Fossil Suggests Egyptian Pyramids and Sphinx Once Submerged Under Sea Water
Well for humanity sakes it all needs to come together and quick John. Thx for the update.
ReplyDeleteI can not control the time, just our position. Nations decide.
DeleteNations have to agree on a time or if at all?.... cant imagine the logistics involved in that!... IS that like 1000 different wives deciding what to wear for the evening?
DeleteLast night I had a very vivid dream (no not that kind) that the RV finally occurre. Now for some you may understand better, but people were going into the bank converting funds. I however could not because my money was on the west coast and I was not. I was just wishing I had at least one note to convert but no such luck. Maybe that means we're close because that was a first.
DeleteRight...Just wondering how far away we are from this event now days or months...
DeleteNotthistime my speculation is April. Just a wild guess
DeleteThanks John and Canaussie!!!
ReplyDeleteASHOG Caring for People and Orphans: La Gonave Island HAITI
Here is a courageous politician in Belgium.
Jim Willie: The Greatest Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound in 2,000 Years!
Death, drugs, and HSBC : How fraudulent blood money makes the world go round
Serious backlash to the Khazarian mouthpiece`s lie-fest to Americas bootlicking Congress.
ReplyDeleteThe world is waking up to the great con job.
John & Canauzzie, thank you for this awe inspiring update as you can just feel the change that is headed our way. Letting us have a brief glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes into what has to be mind blowing negotiations was a brilliant move, it makes all feel apart of it. Well done.
ReplyDeleteThank you John, Canauzzie, and everyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm joining with everyone to thank John and Canauzzie for their hard work on this site. And thank you John for making such strong connections with the Chinese Elders.
ReplyDeleteMay the reset happen soon, as we all have plans to improve the lives of many people.
Mary Ann
My deepest sympathies from my family to you and yours for the loss of a loved one. I am optimistic by nature and always use this law of energy to comfort others and myself at these times:
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form....."
And we are energy. Here is an example of just how much:
The average human male is about 80 kg and the average human female is about 60 kg. So let us say that the average human is about 70 kg (since they are somewhat close to 50/50 of the population at large). The speed of light is given in meters per second and light travels approximately 300,000,000 meters per second. So to convert the human to energy (in joules) it would be=
E= 70 X 300,000,000 X 300,000,000 or 70 X 90,000,000,000,000,000 (90 quadrillion) or 6,300,000,000,000,000,000 (6.3 quintillion). So if the average person contains 6.3 quintillion joules of energy and joules is a measure of energy released per second (1000 watts would release 1000 joules per second for instance) we can surmise that the energy from one human being would be equivalent to the amount of energy released in one second from a 6,300,000,000,000,000,000 watt generator.
Currently the entire planet’s energy usage amounts to about 15 trillion watts (15 trillion joules per second). The energy of one person (if it burst out in just one second) is more than enough to power the entire planet for more than one-hundred hours ([6,300,000/15] / 3600 seconds in one hour). That means the energy released in one-second (if you converting a human entirely to energy) would be the equivalent of power that you could use to power the entire planet for nearly an entire work week. If you were to harness the energy of a person as you would in a lightbulb, that person could act as a 6.3 quintillion watt lightbulb and could power everything on Earth about half a million (420,000) times over (6.3 quintillion / 15 trillion).
source: Energy in a human question
Wow, fascinating Canauzzie. Makes my head spin to realize our energy as power.
DeleteRe Canuazzies Hockey games. Just wait until I get his team mates to print Jerk on the back of his shirt and the pictures after he has played an hour with all camera snapping him.Wow Lol. Must set him up. Major Lol, Wait till he hits the shower room. Then they give him his shirt back. Oh to be a fly on that wall.
You do realize I can Photoshop just about anything..... and what I hold.......
DeleteThank you so much for your words of encouragement and comfort. Putting the whole situation into esoteric terms helps to ease the human side of things. The energy level that surrounds me has ramped up since my brother's death...we are very close, as a matter of fact I was born Feb 6 a year before he was, and he was born Feb 5...always good energy, good times, and much joy...and I do know that he is one of the stars in the universe.
Since his death, I have been shown the physical manifestation of the exact time his life energy transferred; and I am feeling it for sure. He has always walked with me and will continue to guide and assist me from the other side. It's amazing! Love is tremendous!
Your words, and the words from our family here releases healing power for the soul. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteTo All,
Thank you all for your kind words.
But this is the reality. I built a beacon. John lit the lamp and continues to ensure it burns bright. You all saw it and came. You, ALL of YOU have made OWoN what it is. The true credit belongs to all of you.
A humble, caring person wanted to get word out that there is HOPE. Behind the scenes there are those who walk in the corridors of power that know things are desperately wrong and need to change. They also need the support of many of the public to help bring the plans into fruition. Everyone has a part to play in all of this. Each, in their own right, provides what is needed. This is a TEAM EFFORT.
I have played hockey since I was 4 years old, and still do except for the last year that I took off because time just didn't allow. There is an old saying in the hockey world about one's jersey that works in this situation being a team effort:
"I play for the crest on the front, not the name on the back"
DeleteYou and John are extremely fine, effective and humble role models for many. Enjoy being here in the midst of such enlightened company. Each person has wonderful visions for an incredibly better world. Hopefully we can get to the point soon to implement. Thanks for everything!
Since i have been participating here on our blog, I have felt nothing but truth and love...and this truth has catapulted me to see many things through the eyes of others...finding seasoning, and being grounded in truth and light.
DeleteWe have a work to do, if we didn't know what it was before; we should know now. Pull up your sleeves and get prepared to do the work that you have always wanted to do...I imagine the joy, and peace and comrade that we will show the world...it does exist...and it exists here.
This is wonderful.
Deletethanks to remind us this is a global effort and a hand shake team effort. All of us are important and here to support and wake up others to the cause.
An OWoN crest in the front, it's enough to me friend.
Canuzzie, I just have to say it. You are utterly gorgeous. You seem like such a caring gentle and very genuine person and I sincerely appreciate knowing you. Thank you for your courage, dedication, hard work and for sharing your beautiful heart with us. The energy of your precious spirit shines brightly.
DeleteThere are moves well forward to try to get a true American Patriot paid out for his PP money. That can do so much good. He and I have a long term Comradeship and it's priceless. Plus a joint good humanitarian ethos.
ReplyDeleteThe West Coast guys wait, not amused, but confused, however still with good intent.
The real Elders are known only to a few. But fortunately for you all, to the real UK Old Guard who are men of quiet status, and beholden to no one. At this level, you cant fake it. All you are, or are not, is clear. Which is why the Elders have not played before for decades. They waited for that Cosmic moment in time for "The One- s? " to appear. Always they seek only one to start. It IS that personal . Belief, Trust. Only a truly enlightened Soul can become inclusive with them now. Translating OWON to Mandarin has had a huge impact. Nothing like this has ever appeared before. I can not disclose the purpose but be clear, these are the combined assets of thousands of years of Dynasties. Only a so carefully screened party or group can be allowed access again. The Cabal has done so much damage. Stolen and abused so much. Broken every Treaty and Bond. In less than half a century truly Evil men have destroyed the work of Millenniums. But we have shown how to recover all of it, and remove this pestilence.
We gave them the ACAT copy of $700B stolen by the Fed from a Bank of Taiwan transfer, and now worth in excess of $13T,
It was given to them as a gift. No pandering, ambulance chasing Broker Kling ons, or Hustlers seeking fees. Free!
When I declined fees it set a whole new stage. It also confused them. But he is a Qwai Lo ( Round eye) They are sick of whining hands out, and had stopped believing destiny worked. They met our own Elites. Well, posing ones. But to see a "Special One" stop to feed the poor, and lay hands on the dirty and lost, and communicate with the truly lost, it shocked them. Why? To have a special one refuse Titles, confused them. To humble himself by choice? Why? To feel for so many, to feel and know their pain? To understand Buddhism? Where the bodies are buried in Catholicism? In Judaism? To know beyond?
The Spiritual wives looked deep for weeks watching. They know. They see.
Sunday they report phase one. Others may want to see more. But a process has started. A key Elder has given a vote of confidence and belief. He trusts totally what he has seen. And he, for decades has been un accessible to all. Trusting no one. This has been his road to Damascus. He now "Sees" again what is possible now. Trust is total.
Its always down to people, but you may be seeing the turn in the road. and the candle lighting for all. There is a Chinese Legend, and that has just become clear for them. We can say no more. The Elders wife had one ending request. She also wanted a photograph of herself in the Main Debating Chamber alone with the "L" to take home with her. Her thoughts and wishes. Both became real friends. Both saw the Highs of our Special Private Clubs, and what we can command. True Empire Tai Pans. It amazed yet humbled them also. You may be witnessing the world about to enter a true new dawn of history. Then we can move mountains for nations. We discussed, so so much. But what has sold it? A leader who has vast multi project knowledge. Energy, Bio Tech, Water facilitation, propulsion systems, Agri Crops, Low cost housing, Infrastructure, Education and Law, who chooses to walk them through the City to feel the Culture, who declines to be pampered, and who, caring nothing for face loss or Status, breaks off to feed the poor. To give life and hope and the Wives saw the love in the eyes of those receiving. It was all a voyage of discovery for them also. We are all one. We need to take care of each other. True ones in need, not malingerers. OWON has a role to play.
WOW John, and another WOW.
DeleteWhat has been awful in past is rapidly becoming the feeling of what can only be described as FULL OF AWE AND GRATITUDE
My God, it is really happening; finally it is really happening.
Thank you thank you thank you; to all and everyone, thank you.
Thank you! Many blessings and miracles ahead! The future is looking very bright!
DeleteI like your words John, WE ARE ONE.
DeleteIn my language it is said like this "Mitakeyu Oyasin". It means WE ARE ONE.
A'ho John,
Looks Far Woman ~ aka dawning light
DeleteThanks for that bit of info and all else. What I really do not understand as all these items must be sorted out, how is Iraq to survive as a nation themselves without traceable currency? It appears that while those finite details are worked out with the elders they are the ones taking the hit as well as other nations. I guess that's the part I've not had explained .... Why make Iraq suffer and how long can they wait before the harm is too much?
Iraqs maximum time out would be 2 years.
DeleteIraq will pick up c$6T not $600T. The rest is bio mass fuel.
Me and all me wrote: Why make Iraq suffer and how long can they wait before the harm is too much?
DeleteJohn wrote: Iraqs maximum time out would be 2 years. (snip)
John are you suggesting that it may take up to 2 years before the RV of the Dinar?
We've been out of there for a while. The question is when does that two year clock start. It APPEARS as though Iraq is eager to get the ball rolling. RI works for me as I would think that gets the ball rolling for many things. If they came out at a buck I would bet you at least 75% exchange
DeleteMary Ann
DeleteNo, Im saying Iraq would explode by then. Iraq is not about Currency and it is not about blind hope currency speculators not only wanting a fast buck, for many a lifeline, but feeling owed? For Iraq its about restoring a nation destroyed. For Vietnam healing a festering wound of Global disgrace and shame.
But- for America, giving millions a chance to claw free of this disgusting Cabal / Zionist maleficence and to give a solid base of hope to their families and life. That, and so, so much more. But no one is owed. No one. Apart from Iraq and Vietnam. And for them there is no Justice. Hegemony was too appalling.
Timing is now multi facet. It takes what it takes. There is no simple decision process. We can be days away, then a simple dissent flag can put it back weeks. Again, for those with $500 Bucks in the game, if so stressed cash out and find a new game. It's not about You. It's about a vast array of issues, and you then just become distracting noise on the system. No one owes anyone. Its worth a few hundred bucks for the hope if it trades out for all. If not, those who do get out fast, well done. Losers, what's new? Life is priceless. Squealing at the system is heard by no one in power, or who cares. So why stress out with no recourse? Hope is enough. Some will trade out. Some will fail. Most who focus have a shot. There are no guarantees. And many Dinarians bought blind. Life is more than what if. Try to make it so.
Life is about Souls, and Ass Souls. We chose our path or when to switch tracks. Sitting whining nowhere is Karma. We all have choices. As a Student I chose to pay my own way. I chose any and every job anywhere for cash. I got up at 03-30 in Holidays to work the Bread vans at 04-00 hrs. I wine waited until 02- 00 hrs in hotels at conventions or week ends. I worked on scaffolding on building sites. I dug ditches and hauled bricks. I worked in Foundries and Bakeries. | delivered papers from 13 in appalling weather. I travelled anywhere for work and money when time allowed and graduated. We had no Welfare and we were not the spoiled Brats of today. We had values and great hopes. We MADE our luck. As I always have. No one is owed. All my life I have worked the hours needed and pressures it took went with it. I focused and forced breaks. Real men do.
These currencies are a distraction from reality and need to be a long shot. You are surrounded by other options, find them and take them. Move - It. Welfare caused most of this mess. Canauzzie goes anywhere for contracts, as is reality. Just Go and and come back week ends. America was not built by Boo Hoo we have nothing within 10 miles of here. We are grazing animals,find new pastures.
Life is about choice, good and bad ones. Doing nothing begets nothing. Run with 2 or 3 horses. Go to agencies and offer to take any job anywhere for money and see how life changes. God loves triers. Nothing is that serious we all die. So go with the flow. Let life deal the cards while waiting. Dinars are not an excuse to do nothing. Mullti task options. As winners do. Then see how luck changes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your insight as this relationship has developed. You are your teams integrity, honor, knowledge and compassion, with a huge dose of stubborn perseverance might yet redirect this massive ship of fools known as the west. f course, nothing happens overnight, but the baby steps of the last few weeks, if the stars align, could turn into confident strides shortly.
Now get that network!
What a day to behold! Let's hold it tightly.
ReplyDeleteTens of thousands in Tel Aviv demand Netanyahu’s ouster
ReplyDeleteTens of thousands of Israelis attended a rally to demand a new government Saturday night in Rabin Square. Israel Police estimated that 40,000 people attended; the event’s organizers claimed more than 80,000 people showed up.
The rally was held under the banner, “Israel wants change,” and was being billed as an anti-Benjamin Netanyahu event.
HSBC Shocks Clients By Closing All London Gold Vaults!
ReplyDeleteCelente – Why The Closing Of London Gold Vaults Will Shake The World!
I'd love to read the "Chinese legend"......
YIP-EEEEE!!! Real movement!! WOW! HISTORICAL TIMES! ~darylluke.
Jim Stone: Three days after Iran entered Iraq, Isis leadership BUSTED
ReplyDeleteYou got that right! Three days ago, Iran entered Iraq with 60 armored vehicles to “fight ISIS” after being invited to by the Iraqi government, and now FOUR (4) top Isis foreign military advisors have been busted.
Syria Terror Conference - ISIS Founders John McCain and Other Exposed
While Clinton Hid Emails, $6 Billion Went Missing in Her State Dept.
ReplyDeleteThe latest news in government fraud and waste points to an odd if not suspicious lapse of five years of the Obama Administration’s State Department during which there was no Inspector General overseeing official expenditures and during which more than $6 billion went unaccounted for. The entire time that Hillary Clinton — one of the most scandal-ridden and allegedly corrupt figures of recent American memory — was Secretary of State, the State Department had no Inspector General. It was not until more than six months after John Kerry took the post that Steve A. Linick took the job, and here’s what he’s turned up so far…
Could the "...true American Patriot paid out for his PP money" be Leo Wanta? (...or BB?) Still I have no idea at all who "the west coast boys in Reno" are.......and, I still can't read JOHN's "tea leaves". Yet, overall it sounds hopeful, so that is better than the past weeks highly negative tone for a bleak dismal future for our country and innocent people who stole nothing!!
There's a reason why the names of those west coast boys are not mentioned which is for good reason.
Deletemy email box is always "open"
Delete"tinsk2" I am confirming I sent you two replies tonight. ~darylluke.
ReplyDeleteThis is very co-incidental to our latest report above!! ~darylluke.
3/7/15 9:30 AM Jim's Rant For The Day. Dawn.
Blackness and nothingness. Numbness and silence. That is how it begins.
First sound is an ear rubbing the sheet. Light barely pierces the eyelid. Knowledge of oneself. Warmness and comfort, peace. That is how it boots up.
This is our state when dawn reaches us. That is truly who we are; one at peace. Then the world of our “reality” crushes us. Kids to school, problem at work, leak in roof, inadequacy, guilt, unloved. That is our reality but it is one contrived and built especially for us. It need not be this way however.
Dawn is a new beginning, something pristine, an unwritten page; that which is not yet, yet.
More: http://src-fla.us/index.php/news2e629/80-rant/470-dawn
Then, there is THIS sobering quote of what Russia herself had endured:
ReplyDeleteItalian court rules mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism: US media continues total blackout of medical truth
Friday, March 06, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) It has been more than five months since an Italian court in Milan awarded compensation to the family of a young boy who developed autism from a six-in-one hexavalent vaccine manufactured by corrupt British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and the U.S. media is still nowhere to be found in reporting on this breakthrough ruling.
On September 24, 2014, Italy's version of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program agreed that GSK's "INFANRIX Hexa" vaccine for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis and haemophilus influenza type B induced permanent autism and brain damage in the previously healthy child, whose name has been kept private for safety.
The vaccine, which contains multiple antigens, thimerosal (mercury), multiple forms of aluminum, formaldehyde, recombinant (genetically modified) viral components and various chemical preservatives,[PDF] demonstrably caused the young boy to regress into autism shortly after he received all three doses of the vaccine, prompting his family to petition the case before Italy's Ministry of Health.
When the Ministry rejected it, the family proceeded to file a lawsuit, which is no longer an option in the U.S. thanks to a Supreme Court ruling that exempts drug companies from legal liability when their products harm, permanently disfigure or kill people.
After listening to expert medical testimony, the Italian court remarkably concluded that the boy suffered permanent harm as a result of the vaccine, and particularly its neurotoxic mercury and aluminum components.
Confidential GSK report reveals that INFANRIX Hexa causes brain damage, anal leakage, autism and more
Also presented as evidence was a 1,271-page confidential GSK report revealing that the drug giant knew full well from human clinical trials that INFANRIX Hexa causes autism, but the company chose to release the vaccine anyway.
Continued at link. ~darylluke.
I feel nothing but love and hope for all of the people who contribute to this site. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteAgreed many excellent people worldwide now.
ReplyDeleteBe assured thousands key in just to read all your comments. You ARE the news and so are your views. You are now fully Global.
Many new articles over the next 2 days. More today.
We may see the first PP get free this week. Hopefully. A US patriot is long owed funds and its close. Plus the Elders will meet from today onwards. The heat will build soon on the theft of the $700B Tropos funds and Taiwans share stolen by the Fed. Its now grown to over $13T and is tracking. The heat builds on the RVs and Iraq / Vietnam.
The Cabal faces an unwinding future.
As Iran has now entered Iraq, hopefully the US Advisers just captured aiding ISIS will be put on trial and hung. Time to stop this Agency and Cabal filth dead. There are No Agency heroes. Just Drug running, Weapons Trading and Regime Change Terrorists. Time they filled a lot more body bags for a change.
Once the Parasites in DC and NY pay what is due, we can help make a difference. Money will be focused on helping nations. Building futures and hope for people. Giving back - YOUR FREEDOM AS SOULS.
John wrote: Once the Parasites in DC and NY pay what is due, we can help make a difference. (snip)
DeleteJohn is the RV being held up because the people in DC and NY haven't paid what is due and what they promised?
If we are waiting for them to pay, we could be waiting forever for the RV.
Scientists in Finland Have Created 3D Printed Trees that Harvest Energy
amazing article, P.
DeleteA whole planet coming together to re set back on track is an astounding phenomenon that will be used as an example by other civilizations in the galaxy. 'They set the template..' There is nothing more beautiful than when humans come together in a time of crisis. A deep reality set in reading this post and comments J and C.
ReplyDeleteI see new ways to educate. Time to end the battery hen model and liberate minds. Dare to dream big??
Discernment required, but if it is true , awesome! )
ReplyDeleteBush Captured, Awaiting Trial at The Hague
I think this is meant as political satire, but hopefully one day it will become prophetic.
ReplyDeleteMoved down so not missed:
By John
Mary Ann,
No, Im saying Iraq would explode by then. Iraq is not about Currency and it is not about blind hope currency speculators not only wanting a fast buck, for many a lifeline, but feeling owed? For Iraq its about restoring a nation destroyed. For Vietnam healing a festering wound of Global disgrace and shame.
But- for America, giving millions a chance to claw free of this disgusting Cabal / Zionist maleficence and to give a solid base of hope to their families and life. That, and so, so much more. But no one is owed. No one. Apart from Iraq and Vietnam. And for them there is no Justice. Hegemony was too appalling.
Timing is now multi facet. It takes what it takes. There is no simple decision process. We can be days away, then a simple dissent flag can put it back weeks. Again, for those with $500 Bucks in the game, if so stressed cash out and find a new game. It's not about You. It's about a vast array of issues, and you then just become distracting noise on the system. No one owes anyone. Its worth a few hundred bucks for the hope if it trades out for all. If not, those who do get out fast, well done. Losers, what's new? Life is priceless. Squealing at the system is heard by no one in power, or who cares. So why stress out with no recourse? Hope is enough. Some will trade out. Some will fail. Most who focus have a shot. There are no guarantees. And many Dinarians bought blind. Life is more than what if. Try to make it so.
Life is about Souls, and Ass Souls. We chose our path or when to switch tracks. Sitting whining nowhere is Karma. We all have choices. As a Student I chose to pay my own way. I chose any and every job anywhere for cash. I got up at 03-30 in Holidays to work the Bread vans at 04-00 hrs. I wine waited until 02- 00 hrs in hotels at conventions or week ends. I worked on scaffolding on building sites. I dug ditches and hauled bricks. I worked in Foundries and Bakeries. | delivered papers from 13 in appalling weather. I travelled anywhere for work and money when time allowed and graduated. We had no Welfare and we were not the spoiled Brats of today. We had values and great hopes. We MADE our luck. As I always have. No one is owed. All my life I have worked the hours needed and pressures it took went with it. I focused and forced breaks. Real men do.
These currencies are a distraction from reality and need to be a long shot. You are surrounded by other options, find them and take them. Move - It. Welfare caused most of this mess. Canauzzie goes anywhere for contracts, as is reality. Just Go and and come back week ends. America was not built by Boo Hoo we have nothing within 10 miles of here. We are grazing animals,find new pastures.
Life is about choice, good and bad ones. Doing nothing begets nothing. Run with 2 or 3 horses. Go to agencies and offer to take any job anywhere for money and see how life changes. God loves triers. Nothing is that serious we all die. So go with the flow. Let life deal the cards while waiting. Dinars are not an excuse to do nothing. Mullti task options. As winners do. Then see how luck changes.
Thanks John for your extensive reply. Lots of really good advice about getting on with our life and not waiting for a RV windfall.
DeleteReposted to fix some typos!
DeleteJohn - you have no idea how true those words are! I was in a bad situation once, jobless and living in a house with losers that sat around all day complaining about not being able to find work, all the while living on unemployment. They would look in the newspaper for jobs and take a bus to appointments, maybe one or two a day. This was back in the day before the Internet was commonly used to job hunt.
I was new to the house and watched this for a a couple weeks and when I decided to go back to work ---I left my car in the driveway--- and walked about 4 blocks to a major thoroughfare. I turned right and applied at every business--no matter what it was. I asked for any work available, 15 minutes to whatever. I am available now, what do you have that needs to be done? ...Are you sure there's nothing you need done? Let me leave my phone number for when you think of something.
I had a full time job as a motel maid at Best Western within 3 hours, and I got 2 callbacks within a couple weeks. Maybe it takes a special personality type to be able to do that, but being jobless has never scared me. I can go get a job anytime I want. ---You just go to where the jobs are and talk to people.--- Lot's of people, all day, that IS your job. Something will break, quick.
Mary Ann
ReplyDeleteIts about what if we do more? Far too many are sitting wimping doing nothing but waiting while real life passes by. Drop dreamland and go for the reality check. Go anywhere for work and let life deal the cards. Then breaks come. We make our luck. Keep it real. Little else is. Agreed put the RVs aside and get on with real life first. Reality? We all do.
Life is way to important to waste. Experience all it has. Its all an illusion anyway. Lol Grasp living by the day.
Just for some clarity re Mary Ann. She is a hard worker. She has spent a lifetime as a Social worker mainly helping abused kids; many in legal ways as she was a practicing lawyer before getting her degree in Social work. She now teaches Social Workers. The Dong value reset, not Dinar, as it is for me also, is mostly about being able to leavie present circumstances to do some good for our fellow man in ways that are more helpful than the systems. We are both eager to get on with that work. It is our passions. Chomping at the bit so to speak. Motives for asking how and when question do not always denote lazy people seeking handouts.
I'm sure the vast majority of us IQD/VND "speculators" are hard working, middle-class type folks, and not your average welfare collectors who couldn't afford to be involved in this if they wanted to be. As the true value producers out there, I'm sure most if us would do good things with any financial blessings that might come our way, and we are deserving as any (albeit not entitled). Meanwhile, we carry on and do the best we can... day to day.
DeleteDigging themselves a deeper hole (hopefully to hell) by continuing to lie.
ReplyDeleteNo Smith cover-up: Cabinet Office
Report: Iran's Supreme Leader Dead
ReplyDeleteDe-dollarization is not only happening, but is close to reaching “escape velocity”.
Obama and Poroshenko can plan fresh hostilities and the breaking of Minsk 2.0 all they want, but time is not on their side.
From economic collapse in Ukraine, to hyperinflation, to the risk of a brand new uprising developing by restless locals, the newest banker puppet regime in Ukraine is in danger of losing control after just one year in power.
John, What are your thoughts on this article.
by Tom Steele · 5th March 2015
Gordon Bowden is an ex RAF officer who has spent the last 13 years uncovering detailed and forensic evidence of massive corruption within the British establishment that involves Lords, Politicians and the Monarchy.
The evidence that he is witnessed and recorded handing into the BBC to do their own full investigation, is set to reveal the biggest political corruption scandal in British history, that included the setup of a colossal 250,000 “shell virtual oil and gas companies” registered from a few house addresses in Finchley Rd London, and linked to the most prominent people at the core of the British establishment. These companies were deliberately set up to steal and rob BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of pounds from the public and asset strip the whole country!
DeleteHype, Deflection, or Distraction? Or all three?
DeleteIsn’t It Time to Admit that We Live Under a Criminal Enterprise System Ruled By Sociopaths?
ReplyDeleteWhen the government is gathering information on us which goes beyond the basic census information, then we should be asking a lot of questions along the lines of “When will the surveillance gathering being conducted by the NSA turn into outright persecution”?
Message for Mike and Tony please at WHA.
ReplyDeleteMikes case was read. Once we get the first clearances, please raise Mike with us. Mike, hang in there. Some are close.
We hear you.
Great News John!!!!!
DeleteWe all appreciate the work you and the Elders are doing!!! Keep it up!!!!
I will post this over at WHA at once for the readers over there.
Posted at WHA and sent to Mike via his e-mail.
DeleteGood. Thank you. Sometimes , alone when all is lost, a sudden helping hand or even another Soul just to know along that path of a lonely road, just to know someone has their back is all. We will look at a Vets initiative once clear.
DeleteThank you.
DeleteThank you! In US, the most abused segment of our population are the veterans. Illegals get much better healthcare, welfare payments, and tax refunds for not paying any tax than the veterans who were sent to hell holes supposedly to fight for their country. If they managed to come back under Obama's crazy 'rules of engagement,' many are horrifically maimed and will need a lifetime of assistance. It's not their fault they were fighting because the cabal created hegemony to supply both sides with weapons.
I'm working with a group now looking to purchase a ranch where we can bring veterans in for a respite and assist them back on their feet. As you say, just knowing someone cares can make a huge difference.
Whatever you and your team can do to help this segment of our population is needed and will be greatly appreciated by the veterans and their families. Mike is a perfect veteran example...not looking for a handout...but a hand up!
DeleteWhat a wonderful project you're embarking on. Vets are close to my heart and my husband's and we applaud you and your group for this tremendous idea.
Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA
Published on Mar 6, 2013
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate
Aussies to get their first-ever floating solar panel plant
Australian-first floating solar farm due to begin construction!
Planned to be operational in South Australia by early April, and construction is about to get underway!
P, cool articles. So many innovating ideas out there.
DeleteShock and awe for Isil: A warning for Netanyahu?
Republican or “GOP” politicians and military figures, mostly rear echelon “chickenhawk” types, as opposed to “chickenshit,” Netanyahu’s new nickname in America, have openly supported ISIL and al-Qaeda. Their love affair with “simulated Islamic extremism” was stimulated by promises of kickbacks from profits tied to stolen Syrian and Iraqi crude oil and the promise of a share in the spoils of looted Syrian factories and stolen antiquities.
The methodology of payment is simple. American law now allows offshore corporations, “no questions asked,” to transfer unlimited cash to any American politician. The flood of money bought the last election, a torrent of drug and human trafficking cash, with the lion’s share of “donations” channeled through Vegas gambling boss Sheldon Adelson.
Students launch desktop recycler that turns pop bottles into 3D printer plastic
Senator Elizabeth Warren Banking Committee Hearing: Financial Regulations & Community Banks. “If we really want to help the community banks, let’s start by getting rid of the $85 billion a year ‘too big to fail’ subsidy that we give to the biggest banks year after year”
ReplyDeleteThis would be a better use of taxpayer funds. And it would foster economy within neighborhoods with Community Banks focusing on economic revitalization...putting our money in our own communities...creating jobs...
Tens of millions spent on 38 Obama holidays – All while unemployed can’t find work!
ReplyDeleteService to self...
China Takes Control of Gold Price on This Date
ReplyDeleteThis month the physical gold market will undergo radical change when the four London fixing banks hand over the twice-daily fix to the International Commodity Exchange’s trading platform on 20th March….
From this flow two important consequences. Firstly, the London market is changing from an unregulated to a partially regulated market, reducing room for price manipulation. And secondly, the major Chinese state-owned banks, assuming they register as direct participants, have the opportunity to dominate the London physical market without having to deal through one of the current fixing banks.
"We may see the first PP get free this week. Hopefully. A US patriot is long owed funds and its close. Plus the Elders will meet from today onwards. The heat will build soon on the theft of the $700B Tropos funds and Taiwans share stolen by the Fed. Its now grown to over $13T and is tracking. The heat builds on the RVs and Iraq / Vietnam...."
Thank You for this update!! ~darylluke.
I did not know it was this bad:
ReplyDeleteIf you thought the news was rigged, you were RIGHT!
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obamas Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to recent Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
And now you know why it is no surprise the media is in Obama's pocket.
Ya think there might be a little bias in the news ...
The above was found on Jack Walker`s Facebook
I found the above information over on Jimstonefreelance.
DeleteI don't know who Jack Walker is and I am not on facebook so I don't know how true the information is. Interesting though.
Brazil’s Progressive Party Biggest Recipients of Oil Kickback Scheme
Note for always me at WHA
ReplyDeleteResponse noted and smiling.
Big week ahead right John all positive, we are all behind you. THX
ReplyDeleteWith knives???????????????????
DeleteHAHAHAHA. Just the giggle I needed before bed time. Night all, have a wonderful day.
DeleteNo knives John- but we support you completely in spirit and mind.
DeleteJohn with the most powerful weapons available. Our minds .
ReplyDeleteOr a 30 year old Dolly on Viagra
DeleteAnd I'll get you Dolly,her sister,cialis or viagra and best friend (replaceable if agreed to) for some of those toys those "Blokes" guarding the building where negotiations took place. More humping than a camel in heat !
DeleteWouldn't the Chinese takeover of the London gold fix be the trigger event anyway John? That is set to happen on the 20th of this month. On the day of the blood moon. Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteYes I was also leaning that way myself. I cannot see how the gold manipulation can continue after the East takes over the pricing fix. Unless we get a two-tier system but that wouldn't last long because why would miners sell to the lower price? Go China! Put a true price tag on precious metal and force traders to come up with the physical before they can short it.... that would be the start of true price discovery.
Expect a lot of obstacles yet.
DeleteBloodsuckers don't willingly detach from their host(s). Salt works great though!
DeleteGood idea for Zionists after circumcision.
DeleteLol...and they're off like a Z-ews 4-skin.....oooops!
Delete"SPOCK!!! Tell Scottie to beam me up!! This planet sux!!! They are killing this planets inhabitants and the planet itself, and nobody seems to be able to do anything about either. It is illogical. It would seem there has been a long outbreak of insanity & nobody believes there is a problem." ~darylluke.
ReplyDeleteRIP : Leonard Nimoy.
DeleteSustainable Human
7:39 dialogue excerpts from A New Story of the People: Charles Eisenstein at TEDxWhitechapel with video added - well done
New Story of the People: Charles Eisenstein at TEDxWhitechapel
Published on Feb 13, 2013
"Our hearts know that a more beautiful world is possible; but our minds do not know how it's possible". In this intelligent and inspiring talk, writer and visionary Charles Eisenstein explores how we can make the transition from the old story of separation, competition and self-interest to a new Story of the People.
Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, speaker, and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution.
BMW’s New Electric Car Sheds Weight With Hemp
Hemp, the plant that keeps on giving in so many ways.
ReplyDelete8-Year-Old Girl Feeds Neighborhood Crows, They Thank Her with Gifts
By Sumitra on March 9th, 2015 Category: News
8-year-old Gabi Mann, from Seattle, has some very unusual friends who shower her with gifts almost every day. Ever since she started feeding her neighborhood crows, they began returning the favor and bringing back all kinds of trinkets.
Gabi’s unique relationship with the neighborhood crows began in 2011, when at age four, she was prone to dropping food. Soon, the crows were always watching for her, hoping to get a bite of the crumbs she dropped. As she got older, she began to feed them consciously – she would share her lunch with them on the way to the bus stop. It wasn’t long before crows were lining up in the afternoon to greet her at the stop.
In 2013, Gabi started feeding the birds regularly, instead of sharing her scraps with them. Along with her family, she would fill the birdbath in the backyard with fresh water every day, cover the bird feeder platforms with peanuts and throw handfuls of dog food on to the grass. Soon, the crows automatically lining up on the telephone lines, waiting for their treats.
Once Gabi and her family adopted this routine, they witnessed something wonderful – the crows started thanking them with gifts! Shiny trinkets would appear in the empty feeders – an earring, a hinge, or a polished rock. Gabi has collected every small gift that the crows have given her – including a miniature silver ball, a blue Lego piece, a small piece of foam, a yellow bead, and other such stuff. Each item is individually wrapped and categorised, and they’re obviously of great value to Gabi. “We keep it in as good condition as she can,” she said. Her ‘third favorite’ is a rusty old screw, because “you don’t see a crow carrying around a screw that much unless it’s trying to build its house.”
According to John Marzluff, professor of wildlife science at the University of Washington, anyone can have a similar relationship with crows. “If you want to form a bond with a crow, be consistent in rewarding them,” he said. “There’s definitely a two-way communication going on there. They understand each other’s signals.” He revealed that birds communicate by how they fly, how close they walk, and where they sit. Humans can learn their language and crows can learn their feeder’s patterns and posture. Over time, they may start to know and trust each other. But Marzluff admits that gifts are a rare thing.
“I can’t say they always will (give presents),” he said. “But I have seen an awful lot of things crows have brought people.” And at times, the presents could be rather macabre – like dead baby birds that they might gift a potential mate during courtship feeding. Gabi’s received a few icky items as well. Her mother had to throw out a rotting crab claw once.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c14lblCg5Es (1min)
Gabi’s mom Lisa is equally interested in the crows – she regularly photographs the birds and studies their behavior and interactions. And something amazing happened just a few weeks ago – the crows returned a lens cap that she had lost while photographing a bald eagle in the neighborhood. “I’m sure that it was intentional,” she said. “They watch us all the time. I’m sure they knew I dropped it. I’m sure they decided they wanted to return it.”
These same CROWS will be picking at the BONES of the satanist baby-eating zionist khazahks (sanhendrins) shortly!! ~darylluke.
Thank you DL, saw this article and didn't post it as I also feed the raven that is often here. He gets his one egg a day. This same raven has done me service, enough said, and have learned you can never have enough good friends. Form doesn't always matter.
DeleteWhatever is done for the big battalions on Dinars will be finite to what is affordable reality. If and I say with care IF an alleged print of over $600T has occurred, a vast number will see nothing. So many headless Dinarians still will not face it, how many may have been badly conned? Has Big Murphy bred them? What part of $6T affordable, does not reconcile with an alleged $600T printed?
ReplyDeleteFor those who get through, good luck, for the rest??????? Your call. Big questions. Those Guru sites selling have a lot to answer for once reality crashes down. Are you in the $6T or the $594 T-- Hello??????? Be careful out there. Just Dinarians. Have you booked your seat at the Wailing Wall, or switched? Again, the $6T or the $594 T. Where are you?
A go signal will not be a free for all. It will be at best a finite slot. Tears will follow. There is no $600T so trouble comes. Could Dinars be the second biggest Con of all just behind Obama?
DeleteRespetctfully. The biggest con of the last century was LBJ signing welfare into law creating what you call, well, what you call welfare recipients. THIS has nothing to do with them. I repeat, they are victims of LBJ aka shrub,sr policy/agenda to create the monstrocity of the public here we have today. These low education people have no idea how much the rest of the world hates them. They are too uneducated to buy dinar from food stamps, sir. Hollywood actually is the culprit to point to who made those poor people, yes POOR to become what they are presently. They NEED re-education. NOT to be vilified for being just another victim of social engineering. Hey.....how about just cut all welfare in usa across the board!! YES!! That will solve things! (NOT) Hye, let me think....Russia did that, and look how much despair & chaos it caused. Yet, that is an unfair example because its a bit different. What I do NOT fathom is why Russia has NOT grabbed SOROS personally, yet....think about that people!! ~darylluke.
Either way, there will be enough problems waiting for us, the worst could be being held for interrogations about how we got the currency if it is overprints.
DeleteDarylluke@ I tend to agree the welfare recipients here are too uneducated to buy dinar or dong same thing with the drug dealers in USA. Other countries with similar programs might be a bit more educated because Americans are truly dumbed down. I think John is referring to his country or other European countries
DeleteHello John, I hope all is well with you. I wanted to say that I hope that some of the funds from the PP's will go to the Innocence Project. It is a program that helps wrongfully convicted people in prison get exonerated. Google Kirk Odom, this guy spent 22 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. And the state did not want to compensate him. It sickens me that our judicial system thinks that an empty fake apology and a handshake is good enough compensation. What's more, he contracted HIV while in there. I hope this post gets read, and people think twice when they condemn someone to be raped in our prisons. That man may be innocent. Keep up the good work, and hopefully we can all release our Dongs.
DeleteBut too many are lazy as hell and don't want a job because they can scam the system. I've seen people at the grocery store with lil kids fatter than pigs pushing two shopping carts overflowing with fruit loops and tony the tiger cereals. When they got up to pay, they whipped out food stamps and peeled off over $300 worth. I'm a Systems Engineer and had half a cart of necessities I paid 75 for. No way I could afford the stuff this lady had. Having four fat kids shouldn't be a license to automatic food stamps, the regulations in place need to be overhauled. So I can see where John is coming from. On the flip side, I would be surprised anyone on welfare is using those funds to buy dinars.
If those of us on this blog, who researched diligently and weighed the risks, through much reading, studying and communication, decided to risk some of our hard earned funds, I just don't see welfare people buying into. And if they did, there is no way they are holding substantial amounts. While at 1166 rate is low, you still need to spend 1k USD to get 1 million dinars.
I have colleagues making six figures and I couldn't convince them to spend 1k, let alone welfare people (I don't know anyone on welfare btw) just saying..
How would we know beforehand, John? Going to the bank now to check our dinars would make us look stupid in any case.Going when you tell us will create all the other problems we talked about
ReplyDeleteThat's why you must have your receipts.
ReplyDeleteToo many people have a blind belief ONLY in Dinars. Blinding them to Self Help with any other options. We know real Bums on Welfare who wont work, who scavenge on everyone, and who just wait to cash out big. If it fails?
But many able also, just blindly clinging on just in case, instead of doing anything to get out by other means and just wasting chances daily. Life is for living, not wasting any whiners. Look at how many keep going and force breaks, Well done all of you. Make life happen. Spread the net. Welfare has killed America. Its bred dependency and rights. As if.
I agree, John, some people are just Bums and will stay that way,even if they get lucky once. I would have returned and changed to anything else, but now I got what have from my brother and can't do anything about that. So I will just have to take the chance when it does come. I'm just overly glad I'm not dependent on that. I'm rather waiting for the whole system change. That is much much more important than the RV.
Delete@Hanlo: Just reading your comment sent shivers up my spine and made my hands start sweating. I cannot nor would I ever speak for John OWoN, but reading between the lines, if you can, would you please be able to swap out your dinar for dong? You may still have time. I'm betting you do. Doing the math - If the assumption of $600T in IQD overprint is accurate and the Big Battalions head in first, how much of the $6T capacity will these guys suck down? I did go to public school in the US, but that's less than a 1% chance of getting out on the upside. I feel most public dinar holders butts are "on the highway to the danger zone."
ReplyDeleteThe dong is risky as well, but I'd handicap it at much higher than 1%.
I know that you're savvy, some just don't do the finance/investment stuff daily and it can be confusing.
Your picture is that of a trustworthy, sincere person. You deserve a shot. Heck, I would help you out if I am able. We are all here to help one another going forward. Service to others not to self is where we need to go. Please consider John's comments and let the Community know.
All the best,
Charlie I hear you clearly. But I guess this is just one of those scams I have to right off as learning experience. The half I have here I can use as wallpaper, there's no way to change that. The half that's with my brother is too little to sell back. Therefor: good bye RV for me. I wrote it off long time ago actually. I'm here to follow the other far reaching developments, that's what I]m waiting for eagerly. Thanks for your concern!
ReplyDeleteThere is a new #1, please place general comments there:
Humor | It's time