
Mission Statement | Video | Our time is now

The new OWON vision is released for you to help all Humans in need and direction, to reassess what matters. Starting with you.

All that can go wrong has, so when do we call it, as a nation of all people, and say STOP!

Can America, in all conscience be allowed to elect Clinton? So divisive, criminal and venal, such a truly rotten and maleficent Soul?

Where does the Clean Up start? Educating Americans of the truly rottenness within the Political arena is no bad idea. Why should the best of Americans be Governed by the worst? Is there a better time than now to call foul on the Clinton's and Bush Crime Family Mafia? Let them pay, when you say - Enough!

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One World of Nations
Mission Statement | Video
26 May 2016

One World of Nations is for one nation of all mankind to work together in peace, harmony and goodwill. Congenial religious freedom and admirable humanitarian values. We either live together as one family of humanity with good values for all, or die as fools. Nations are lines on a map and do not truly exist. People are born free! It's time to respect there just being one world of people who all need to matter. Man's inhumanity to fellow man is the real issue. How can a species so backward hope ever to go forward?

Greed for what none of us can take with us. Man's pursuit of the false gods of mammon. Yet heaven is here, in the love of a child, family bonding. The simple, dedicated and trusting love of animals. The awesome beauty of nature. Caring for the sick and aging. Can open forums like help man come of age? Addressing the real questions and issues of existence?

One World of Nations is growing, touching nations everywhere. Your voices are reaching over borders, across oceans. One family of all is emerging.

You, the people.

Stand and be counted!

We dedicate this presentation to humanity.

To those that seek to make a difference amid challenging adversity. To those that prioritize humanitarian projects, work towards eradication of hunger and poverty, preserve the ecosystem using new ideas, technologies and sustainable energies. To those helping the need everywhere encouraging independence, self-empowerment and personal or spiritual growth. Which can be physical or intellectual.


Our time is now a world between times. America has failed as the Global Leader. The Third World, like Columbus, has set sail for a new promised Land of Adventure. One Cabal and Zionist free.

One World of Nations is an open forum for all Nations. One nation, of Man, for all. Not a New World Order, but an open, democratic and humane organization. To seek to help all. One to respect all, to evolve towards the higher orders. That is our true goal to attain.

We all share this fragile planet. We all need to share truth and the Cosmic gift of this life we were given. To each experience being a Carbon Life Form and to make a difference.

We are all Star Dust. Creations of the Universe. Every atom of our being is Cosmic matter.

Our journey needs to have meaning, not be demeaning. This is a life journey we all chose to make.

Subtly, variations from the Chinese Ancestral Elders to very Private evolved British Elders, are operating beyond Public awareness, for good reason. They are currently involved in deep humanitarian and Cultural discussions. Seeking to aid and enhance the needs of our nations. Also to contribute to our planetary needs, bringing in a new era of enlightened truth and culture.

We seek to remove the blinders, and let truth walk free.

We have an Agenda, but it’s not 21!

It is simply to help unlock the true potential of Human Souls. To set minds free and let humanity flourish. Unleashing truth.

The current Khazarian criminal Banking Mafia and the US Military Industrial Complex, with its perverse and Treasonous Agencies, are aided by such low and venal corrupt Political forces and need to go!

They are defiling all that was good with the intentions of the original US Founders.

What of the aspirations of The Constitution? And the good values upon which our nations were built?

True democracy needs to be re-established, by Elders of integrity, who simply seek to serve Humanity. Not enslave you!

The truly vile Khazarian Mafia and their acolyte families need to be stopped and their Fiscal oligopolies removed!

America was created to escape the treachery and abuse of Feudal ascendants not to accrue new ones under Zionist and corrupt Political Family Dynasties.

They are returning innocent families to the very Feudal corruption the Founders and Forefathers sought to escape.

Civil Wars were fought and vast numbers died, but not for this travesty of Political and Banking Elites who seek not to help their nations, but only themselves.

As Europe fought and millions died to remove the power of Monarchs, is the emergence of this corrupt European Union under Jesuit and Vatican oversight any better?

The power of the Internet allows the ability of all nations to challenge truth. To work together. Hands across the oceans. To establish a Humane New Order, not New World Order.

Via a series of new releases One World of Nations will help you understand what is possible. To systematically unveil truths.

Our only price, is to set your thinking mind Free.

Your collective voices, working together, as the values of all Nations, to enhance our planet and resources for all Beings. Human Beings.

Evolution applies as much to conscious change, as to evolution of the physical species.

In this remarkable new century, ethereal awareness and power, has become ever more real.

Suddenly, all we thought we knew, is surreal.

What is truth? Your new Frontier!

Deeds and threats of the mighty have been replaced by impotence. Ever more Made Men as Untouchables have fallen. Certainly none were Angels.

Visibly incoming, is a time to Judge the caliber of eulogized Peers. Is any deserving of accolades?

Removing the Veils has exposed the ugly Shams of these mediocrities. As fumbling, Naked Emperors. Each, in fact, more inept than the other.

How the Mighty are falling.

Nations are challenging the credibility of command, as each realize, we actually have been failed by Political Hierarchies and Banking. The life blood of nations and Rights have been usurped by these talent-less deviants. Possessing neither moral, nor intellectual, standards or values of merit.

In short, we need collectively to determine better alternatives. Start by raising the bar and casting aside those coming up short.

No one should be allowed to debate or implement perceived Standards for others, when found to be short of such qualities themselves.

It’s time to determine, Who's Who in this Human Zoo.

What gives them the right to meddle with or restrain yours?

Which, if any, are proven fit to cast the first stone?

In the Political arena, you will soon determine, almost none.

Nations are now finding new identities and Voice.

Independence has released a State of Being, Free!

Become a Global people observer. Monitor events, personalities, human traits and their consequences.

Karma has the living, unstoppable life force of a bitch when unleashed.

But comparable, is the truly consummate reality, that most people in nations everywhere, can surprise you with their compassion. Their sense of humanity and Soul.

All the basic ingredients of a good species.

Mankind is kind, when not entrapped in pursuit of false Gods and louche Leadership.

The more highly elevated the societies, the greater the visible penetration of corruption.

The failure primarily is Leadership.

Machiavellian Leaders, often psychotic deviants free-riding, power crazed, effecting their versions of tyranny on either domestic or poor defenseless Third World victim nations.

From the millions murdered by the truly vile Bush family or Benghazi and the so many other crimes of the Clinton's.

The never ending wars of the Washington Military and Agency Cabal.

The current horrors of ISIS and deviant Islamic fundamentalists, to the atrocities of 2 German World Wars.

The tens of millions lost in the Russian gulags, Stalin. The Chinese purges, Vietnam, Pol Pot in Cambodia and the millions who die through never ending atrocities in Africa.

We are a disturbed species.

What can go wrong, does.

The Vatican has been the worst perpetrator for centuries, it still goes unchecked.

But coexistent to that is a world where true Angels of Mercy also proliferate.

The untold stories of the vast millions who go that extra mile, each day, to help others.

The extensive Humanitarian Agencies deployed all over the planet, striving daily to contain or handle, a vast array of needing causes. Silent Heroes.

Charities starved of essential operating capital, watching needless suffering and avoidable deaths, all the while 100 times more funds is wasted in Global conflicts.

So much either Agency fed to maintain lucrative Defence contracts or the greed of Drugs, or human trafficking. While Bankers get fat from profits.

Look in the eyes of a crying, desperate, distraught child and ask - WHY?

Walk through a Palestinian Refugee camp or the displaced millions across the Middle East or Asia - WHY?

Why do we, as an intelligent species, condone this?


We all share the same ancestral DNA.

So why, as creations of one family, are we killing our own in the name of false religions or racial nonsense.

There are NO RACES beyond HUMAN!

God does not have a RELIGION!

As all too many started following the insane ramblings of a certifiably deranged Abraham, intelligent Beings need go back to and correct the basics and start to think for yourselves.

This is your journey, your path of life. So please, do chose with care who, if any, you chose to follow.

Beware of false Gods and crank Religious diatribe.

We only take with us our actions of valour, our humanity.

Or worse, our actions in our Book of Life for which judgment by the elevated Higher Souls, will be clear, concise, and if truly merited, unforgiving.

We each chose to make this journey as new Carbon Life Forms. To experience physical matter and material existence.

We all die. Few ask why?

All around you is beauty, open your eyes and don’t live a shallow life.

We are all part of and belong to, so much more.

Yes, we do all have a choice. But also now, your own chance.

That one small step back for Mankind - to be kind.

Be conscious of what you can each do every day.

Nothing you make can go with you, so instead, Make a Difference!

Outside of public view exists a private group, deeply integrated with the Elders. Whose funds are slowly starting to achieve selective releases.

More importantly, their truly colossal Gold and Capital Holdings, are the subject of deep aspirational Geo-Political planning. Outside of the normal political spectrums.

Their Gold alone can back emergent currencies and change the balance of fiscal power, across the planet.

It needs to!

But not in the hands of the Political or Zionist Banking deviants or it will all be lost with their usual Bonfire of Vanities!

Wealth needs to be used for a reason. Not for a Vanity Season!

Key Elders tend ever more to be deeply religious Dynasty family members, many either Buddhist or Christian.

But each recognizing these funds carry their own attendant responsibilities.

They need to be working for more than just profits, but for a cause. A Noble one.

People, not profit. People before politics. Capitalistic consciousness?

There is an awakening.

Key, core Elder's families members have had a millennia to search for compatible like minds. Those able to pass Elder's scrutiny in a search of Souls.

Elders have a deep Ethereal awareness.

But Elders have also understood that there is a dual attendant responsibility to both protect and allocate sensible balances, in phased steps, towards alleviating our so many Humanitarian needs.

But where to start?

Especially looking around at the visible Global economic chaos, the Political or Banking corruption.

Looking on, looking in, is not a pleasant experience. When each microcosm of what can go wrong, does.

But Karma comes in many forms.

They realize. They understand. This is a collective Human responsibility, needing Enlightened minds applied. To help address such a plethora of needs and crisis priorities.

Who starts? Where? How do we protect the Base Capital? The Golden Goose?

Many have tried before, all failed, to access Elder's platforms and to gain essential trust.

The spirituality of the Elders, their own Cosmic attainments and elevations, has prided them with differing Audit monitoring mechanisms.

Always before they have seen Western or Asian greed lead.

So many times they have been victims of Imperialism and Zionist chicanery.

So one day, as advance party delegates attending what was to be just a three day exploratory visit to the House of Lords, in London, to witness a Senior Group Head hold back a party of delegates on a busy street while he reached out to, gave money to and connected with a homeless, distressed and shattered Soul. It threw everything into a quandary.

That he would risk offending Grandees of the Lords, while he addressed the humblest?

That he of all, should even see and feel, need of the Street People?

To be as one with the Homeless.

 It started there. It was reported back. Humility.

The three days became three weeks, as stays were extended to explore further. The initial attendees were then sidestepped and replaced with Temple Masters.

Each seeking to meet with and assess these 'New' Lords and Westerners.

Doors opened, dialog commenced.

Ethereal assessments became new priorities. Assessing Souls.

Are they deserving? Are they Enlightened? How?

As the Political spectrum has visibly failed parties are ever more conscious of the fact that what we have is not working.

It all needs review.

But with new money needs to be new thinking.

Not repeating the same old failed mantras.

To focus on serving Need! Not Greed!

London is the world’s foremost Capital city.

It is also the world’s foremost Cultural city and the first choice of a second home for most world wealthy achievers and Leaders.

London addresses issues with the freedom and cultural awareness often lacking elsewhere. As is evident now.

The world is seeking ever more to access, block or sequestrate Elder's assets.

The Takers and the Fakers.

Ever more aware as victims for decades of Cabal and Zionist transgressions. Those Weevils will be stopped. They are yesterday’s news.

These funds owe no one. Nor is anyone 'Entitled'.

It merits only a conscious decision, as the sole remit of the Elders, with such advice as they feel appropriate, to determine how to protect, invest and utilize such funds.

They are assisting to address endless issues and prioritizing them accordingly.

The first step needs to be Political avoidance and to resource direct, such support platforms, as are needed to address and help selected needs.

Anything going via Political sources, is inviting misappropriation and failure.

Look, even now, at more UN arrests for corruption and Bribe taking.

Infrastructure support is being designed accordingly. Parasite free!

People will make it happen. Good people. Ones with integrity, an awakened Soul. They have no price.

The happiness in the eyes of a child, relief in the eyes of the suffering and destitute, when help arrives.

The awareness in the eyes of the homeless and dispossessed that the helping hand which came from nowhere, means they are not alone. That forces of a greater good are aligning with them.

Just to know they belong, they have worth, is the only currency we seek.

Values we can take with us.

Richness is ethereal feeling and knowing, this was a good day for our Book of Life.

We didn’t need to make a Buck. We made a difference.

Just know the purpose and point of your journey. Know - right!

As the New York Zionists will fund Clinton's political run for Office, irrespective of the gross established criminality and deviance of the person, Americans have need of another way. An ever growing need.

America needs to be represented, by true Patriots who care. Not more carnivores from the Jackal's lair.

We are currently rethinking Banking. As non-Fed dependent, determined to be Zionist free. Supported by vast gold, core assets. As well as platforms of Dividend payments. Opportunities are arising for a new fork in the road, the creation of Ethical Banking.

Fiscal, ecological, ethical, community conscious, involved Leadership. To nurture and build essential values, culturally and domestically, with sound roots.

To encompass being a living part of the community process, from the new births, to Healthcare and Welfare.

To mentor the new educational processes, planned sustainable food and ecology.

Sustainable energy and living facilities. Planned infrastructure needs. Work creation. Healthcare for all.

A big ask, a big task!

But getting the Foundations right is a start.

Money needs to serve a purpose and have a reason to be more.

People need to feel inclusive.

Planned communities can vibrate from the care within.

People need to make it happen.

Each need to matter.

Those who choose not to fit, need to go!

Ethical, sustainable investment, has to go direct to the source in need. Delivered by a Global Task Force of caring, free thinking individuals. Each recognizing the need to make a difference.

We need to fund a caring collective, of those committed, to reach out and change lives.

Putting back, not filling pockets.

As with almost all key project failures, everything which goes wrong, traces back to inadequate planning at the beginning.

Core, deep, meaningful planning is key.

Experience and competence. Almost all lacking in Governments.

It all needs to be addressed, a careful step at a time.

Building on successes. Building team delivery competence. From a solid base foundation, the networks will grow. Networking need.

Multi-tasking needs and understanding, but with humility and diplomacy.

To understand, not grand stand.

Giving back and serving need.

We need to do a reverse Einstein, to challenge the fundamental values and priorities of Everything!

To define what and even who, matters.

No more false Gods, egos or Fiscal Weevils loose with the core assets.

Our role will be to become Soul servants of those in true need.

New money still brings with it all attendant responsibility. The remit to do good things. to make right the so many wrongs, where possible.

But altruism can be fraught with dangers and posing chameleons.

With major funds, come sophisticated deceptions. As Elders have found, historically, to their costs.

Failed and reneged on redemption dates, to vast pallets of cash prohibited from use.

The Cabal and Treacherous Fed have short-changed them on every turn.

Now, having wasted and abused vast Trillions, earned in a one sided relationship, the scurrilous Cabal seek yet again to entice them into loaning Gold to underpin the hemorrhaging U.S. economy.

A few years ago they used the Wilfredo Saurin link to entice out a fictitious $15 Trillion by sleight of hand. Against a false Yohannes Riyadi series of cross fired bogus inter-bank SWIFTS, to create an illusion of capital balancing.

Banks, who should know better, compromised their corporations and gave more oxygen to this rapacious Cabal.

All that did was buy time. Cross firing always escalates the Debt.

No amount will now resolve the true insolvency of the Federal Reserve Hydra.

Yet no one dares face them down or the Naked Zionist Emperors behind it. So their lies cost lives.

The Elders have been guided to step aside and allow no interaction.

Instead to work with others conceiving Global initiatives which are Zionist free and will protect their core assets.

Also to remodel strategically designed long term Bank Investment Programs, bypassing U.S. interaction, and creating a whole new Dynamic of Global autocracy, but with total control and freedom of selective bank access.

Taking self-control.

Money fit for purpose and Ethical trading imposed.

People fit for Office and inclusion.

We look at our shared planet. What can go wrong, has.

Millions of years of ecological development of nature created this wonderful planet we are privileged to live on.

A century of pollution, poisoning for profit, is destroying it.

Where does the clean-up need to start?

With our Human ability to act is an appropriate suggestion.

Again, it comes back to Leadership and qualification to serve.

Empowering those with an agenda fit for purpose.

Those with a Cosmic vision of true enlightenment.

Soul servants who live in humility, but with empowered awareness.

One World of Nations has opened up a channel of Global communications of so many aware and awakening Souls, who each realize, we are ultimately only one nation, of all.

Who will plan for all nations as one?

In every nation is an ever growing army of enlightened and conscious Souls, each awakening to a need to serve. To do more and to give value for the privilege of this life.

Why? Because we can.

This is simply a world of We The People and it can only move forward, if and when, we all step up and offer to put back something to enrich this wonderful planet we have had the privilege to visit as part of our own Cosmic journey, which we each elected to make.

This planet is in our own Custodial Care and we really need to do an awful lot better. Because we can.

Who is fit to lead? Why follow those visibly not fit for office? Why stand idly by when the low life forms like the Bush's, the Clinton's and so many deeply odious Kazakh Bankers, who all transgress so badly?

Each in pursuit of feckless greed or the mindless mantras of such misguided, Abrahamian nonsense, without a mass public outcry of fury?

This is your planet and your right to be. You will only make this journey one time.

You are part of the very Soul of the universe.

You are an eternal being on a journey of discovery and dimensional exploration.

Your right, is to be Free!

You are each Star Matter and you do matter.

No one has an ethereal right to transgress against you.

You have the wonderful gift of this life. Use it well.

Enrich all around you, that is all you can take with you - Soul value.

Nothing lasts, so live for the moments and the beauty you can create.

Earth is awesome, and with it, each life form.

Look inside and absorb the very wonder of life that is you. Each a heart beating, wonderful creation of nature.

You are each living proof of the creation of so very much more.

Each Soul has its place in this living, pulsating, truly massive universe, teaming with life, as new Galaxies are only being born even today.

Life is perpetual and so is yours.

One day you will each understand so much more.

You are each, and all part of, the total universal life force, engaged in its own never ending cosmic evolution.

You each are beings of the universe and made only of the Star Matter within you all.

Every atom in you came from the stars.

You are a part of all.

So respect and value all.

You are not just matter, we all Matter.


  1. Please transfer a copy to WHA also.

  2. Very nice, looks like good use of the video game Reign of Kings w green screen at times


    1. It's not. Nowhere close. It was done with 3D software. Some of what was used was created by other and we used the under license. That video game could not even come close to doing what is done here, with no where near the pixels.

    2. My mistake then, it must just remind me of it. Nonetheless very nice


    3. I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just this took months of work when time allowed. We were not playing video games... lol

    4. My mistake then, it must just remind me of it. Nonetheless very nice

    5. Canauzzie, you didn't come across as rude. I should probably have been more clear. I don't have talent with graphics. I would have used the game only for the graphics. I think it is a wonderful piece, amazing actually. Great job to whomever was able to put this together; I know I couldn't!

  3. please provide transcript of the vid OR subtitles


    1. We will be. You Tubes subtitle are terrible and looking at other options. But for now it will be as is. In is taken from an article we wrote last year. It was changed up little and moved around. But is still basically this article:

      Turning the Tide | Report #11 | Our time is now

    2. you have the script read by the voice

      just upload it please

      what is so hard about that?


    3. I am doing other things, when time allows I will look into it it. What is so hard about understanding that?

    4. Hi Unknown, around these parts we treat each other with respect. Especially since text can come off as rude and abrupt.


    5. Subtitles are now available. Also a full accurate Transcript was added in the article above.


  4. To All,

    If you all want our message to resonate further, to reach a wider audience, you will all have to like the video and subscribe to the channel. This is how it will be perceived by YouTube for relevancy and standing.


  5. We all agreed it would be OWON Team only and no credit would be taken. But that doesn't mean I can't give a compliment.

    Brazil of Brics was instrumental in this production. Without him this level could not have been achieved. As this is all volunteer and each were responsible for the time, expertise and cost of what was needed for their part.

    I thank all parties involved.

    1. Canauzzie I appreciate.
      My desire is for the message to impact people worldwide as it has touched me in the last few months. I put my heart and thoughts on this project and I hope that good vibe spreads to others. Thanks again.

  6. Just astounding thoughtfully put together, exciting days ahead thank you OWON. Canauzzie did you narrate


    1. Thank you, please don't forget to like (thumbs up button) and subscribe to OWON's YouTube channel.

      As for the voice, we are a team.... no credit... not tellin...

  7. Great job Canauzzie, Brazil of Brics, John and whoever else the secret team is! Very inspiring! Since you have used the Templar regalia extensively, I'm curious what position OWoN takes on Templars? Perhaps a little more knowledge along that line would be helpful. I've always read that Templars are blamed for much devious history. In my personal ancestry search I've found Templars and wondered if they were helpful to humanity...or not. Or is it a mixed bag?


    1. Texian,

      Thank you.

      Ask a specific question I may answer. I am very busy right now and cannot give you a long winded answer. OWON supports and backs the Templer's initiative. Who is "the private group deeply intergrated with the Elders", can't say more there.

    2. Thanks Texian,
      this presentation belong to All of Us.

  8. Yea Texian, John has spoken very favorably about the Templars was wondering if he might be one himself.


    1. The filthy and duplicitous Vatican didn't get them all.

    2. I think that nice Chinese lady who was standing next to John in the recent group photo was wondering the same thing. By the smile on her face, I think she found out. LOL

    3. She is Queen of the Elders!Also a Temple Master married to God.

    4. WHA


      She wanted to establish by the number of key issues how to move forwards.
      As you will see by the only person allowed to stand next to her for the key Ministerial pics.
      1. Is he a once or twice a night Knight?
      2. How can he be that age, he is faster and performs like a 40 year old and has all his faculties and lightning cognisance?
      3. She has built up a serious relationship of trust and that look says, more than twice.Lol
      4. For Queen and Country, no comment.
      5. She's " Not" wondering. East and West have synergy. And Trust.
      Empires are built by the Leaders within. Ours need no pharmaceutical aids. Full working order, certified loaded and no blanks..

    5. I stand corrected. (smile)

      We will belay sending the spanish fly to your coordinates. We will divert it to Reno. LOL

    6. I see, your into correction are you to be able to stand?
      Each to their own peccadillos. Whips also?

  9. More outung of the Hollywood paedo gangs coming out, hot on the hills of Elijah Woods' statement. This time it's corey haim and corey feldman

  10. Texian / Scott

    Friday October 13th 1307, King Philippe of France and Pope Clement had the Templers families rounded up, tortured and mass slaughtered,in a scurrilous swoop to seize the Templers vast gold holdings. Mass genocide. Forewarned what was pending parts of the gold were sent overland to cross the River Rhein into Germany,on what is now the Swiss Border. They founded Switzerland, and the power of Banking behind Basle also Kloten in Zurich.
    The Templers vast galleon fleets had pre left fully laden and the entire holdings disappeared from history.
    We had already stationed units in England as French Barons, who anglicised in name, as Protectors first to King Richard the Lionheart, and who became protectors to the Royal crown, but post 1307, for safety of the remaining families, it became necessary to go out of sight and officially, disappear. Templers were already here as Protectors to the crown when the vile mass genocide occurred with the collusion of the Vatican swine whose greed and duplicity was to conspire with bankrupt King Philippe to swoop on the knights, steal the gold and enrich their coffers.
    As always, forewarned, the total holdings were moved out ahead for safety. Entire estates were slaughtered for nothing. A gruesome and nasty betrayal leaving a score to those families of true bloodline to one day settle the score with the Papacy filth. Out of sight, not out of mind.
    As front units the Templers founded the Masons,retaining only certain invisible units to which family bloodlines only can belong.

    The Temple Quarters in London, and the Financial district,happened, of course, by magic.
    The vast Gold Holdings have never been found,but galleons went as far as Indonesia, and NewFoundland in Canada, creating new outposts. England??? London of course was expanded by magic and the Templers Church likewise. Just coincidence? For 2 centuries the Knights explored the catacombs under the Temple mount in Jerusalem seeking hidden Jewish treasures and artefacts. In addition the Templers engaged with certain others groups, the Jinn etc seeking enlightenments. The Roman Colosseum was founded and funded by seized Jewish gold. But what the Templers took was?

    It was determined best for the remaining families to become only an invisible force and to wait, in time to re emerge. No one confirms anything. No one exists today, officially.
    What has so engaged,the Elders, who knows? Clearly they have found something different you may surmise. Not for public debate, but note the Public Good emerging if all goes as hoped. The Templers no longer exist. Unless, as rumoured, to uncloak at will? So, what, or who has got the Elders so engaged? Must be coincidence?

    1. John,
      Thank you for the explanation of the two Templer factions. The information I've found is very vague and now I know why.

  11. Replies
    1. No Titles or comment. We are all as one.

  12. Thank you OWON!

    Beautifully inspiring and encouraging. I truly appreciate all the creativity, time, and effort collaborating on this great mission statement. Looking forward to future presentations.

    Can we have a British accent version please? Lol.

  13. John or Canauzzie,

    By the way, there was a book suggestion about the history of the Mason's that was provided sometime last year I believe. Would you be able to provide the name again for me. I'm very interested in learning more.

    Thank you in advance.

    Cal L. Girl (smile)

    1. Many thanks, Canauzzie!

      Cal L Girl

    2. Cal Girl, I am almost done reading that book. It is well worth the read.

    3. Biffie,

      Thanks for the feedback - good to hear. I've read so many conflicting views on Masons that I thought since John had suggested it, I should give it consideration.

  14. John... I have already told Canauzzie how much I loved the video and that I was so proud of you guys...

    Brazil of Brics... Nice job and you are to be commended as well. Great team work.


    1. Thanks Get Real, I appreciate.

  15. The Task Confronting Libertarians

    A ? for my Nth American friends, not rhetorical I am curious.

    Why aren't more ppl interested in the Libertarians, and why don't we see more of them in even the alternative news??

    To me they are the bees knees and everything that the anti-socialists want.

    Even here at OWoN the discussion is contained within the 2 parties. I don't understand why.

    Even me, a social softie, likes them.

    "The task of the tiny minority that is trying to combat this socialistic drift seems nearly hopeless. The war must be fought on a thousand fronts, and the true libertarians are grossly outnumbered on practically all these fronts.

    In a thousand fields the welfarists, statists, socialists, and interventionists are daily driving for more restrictions on individual liberty; and the libertarians must combat them. But few of us individually have the time, energy, and special knowledge to be able to do this in more than a handful of subjects.

    One of our gravest problems is that we find ourselves confronting armies of bureaucrats already controlling us, and with a vested interest in keeping and expanding the controls they were hired to enforce."

    1. They are our natural allies, to wit,

      "If libertarians lose on the inflation issue, they are threatened with the loss of every other issue. If libertarians could win the inflation issue, they could come close to winning everything else. If they could succeed in halting the increase in the quantity of money, it would be because they could halt the chronic deficits that force this increase. If they could halt these chronic deficits, it would be because they had halted the rapid increase in welfare spending and all the socialistic schemes that are dependent on welfare spending. If they could halt the constant increase in spending, they could halt the constant increase in government power.

      The devaluation of the British pound a few months ago, though it may shake the whole world currency system to its foundations, may as an offset have the longer effect of helping the libertarian cause. It exposes as never before the bankruptcy of the Welfare State. It exposes the fragility and complete undependability of the paper-gold international monetary system under which the world has been operating for the last twenty years. There is hardly one of the hundred or more currencies in the International Monetary Fund, that has not been devalued at least once since the I.M.F. opened its doors for business. There is not a single currency unit that does not buy less today than when the Fund started.

      The dollar, to which practically every other currency is tied in the present system, is now in the gravest peril. If liberty is to be preserved,the world must eventually get back to a full gold standard system in which each major country's currency unit must be convertible into gold on demand, by anybody who holds it, without discrimination. I am aware that some technical defects can be pointed out in the gold standard, but it has one virtue that more than outweighs them all. It is not, like paper money, subject to the day-to-day whims of the politicians; it cannot be printed or otherwise manipulated by the politicians; it frees the individual holder from that form of swindling or expropriation by the politicians; it is an essential safeguard for the preservation, not only of the value of the currency unit itself, but of human liberty. Every libertarian should support it."

      loc. cit.

    2. IMO, Libertarians don't get 'traction' because like other groups such as Tea Party, they are not FUNDED by the cabal bankers that fund Democrats and Republicans. That's why they each campaign on their stated platforms, but, once elected, they're all one club under control of corporate cabal. The Communist/Socialist groups infiltrated the Democrat party years ago since they weren't winning elections on their own. The Tea Party was infiltrated by Republicans who shut down that group's effectiveness. Still candidates campaign as 'Tea Party candidates,' but don't follow through. Marco Rubio is a prime example. He was elected as a Tea Party pledged person, but when he entered DC his pledge evaporated.

  16. Replies
    1. Apparently not everybody hates Brussels sprouts because I love them....particularly around December when they're available fresh on the stem. Many methods to cook, although just steamed and coated with a little butter can't be beat!

  17. What a brilliant video, gentlemen; from the Mission Statement itself to the high-resolution graphics, the narration and accompanying music. Your hard work in maintaining the OWoN website and creating this video is inspiring and much appreciated; as is all the hard work behind the scenes at a diplomatically high level to defeat the Cabal and turn this world round for the benefit of humanity. Thank you.

    1. Must get some steel toe capped Winklepickers if the Elders come on board as hoped. One place to plant them to clear the garbage out fast.
      Valdi, if we pull this off it will change everything. The big confusion right now is why I wont let the Politicos get a lick or control. I need a torque wrench also. Many good targets.

    2. The winklepickers up the jaxie will be good preparation for sharing a cell with bubba. You'd be doing them a favour.

  18. Fantabulous video. Well done to all who worked, I am sure endlessly, to prepare this. I can't imagine the time effort and cost this was. I for one really appreciate what ya'll have done here. By the way John, this is my first post, what I have been watching daily for a a year or more. Love what you all do here. Thank you all!

  19. Welcome Kathy and thank you for posting. Is the Oberholtzer South African, German or Austrian?

  20. German clean clear through to the other side. LOL

  21. Kathy

    Welcome to the Resistance.


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